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About Trinity PUD Delivering 100% Carbon-Free Electricity to Our Customers

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Mission Statement

District Goals (Fiscal Year 24-25)


Trinity Public Utilities District delivers 100% carbon-free electricity to our customers in a safe, reliable, and sustainable manner. We are a great place to work and respect the diversity of our customers and employees. Trinity PUD takes pride in supporting our community and building a trusted organization that can serve current and future generations.

General Policy Statement

Due to changing conditions, the following goals may be achieved, partially achieved, modified, or abandoned. Nevertheless, the goals act as a compass to guide individual, discreet actions and decisions toward meeting the District's Mission.

Goals & Objectives


  1. Rate parity and stability-more closely align District rates with District costs
  2. Reduce the rate differential between different parts of the District's service area


  1. Work with Western Area Power Administration (Western) to minimize our average cost of power.
  2. Improve operational efficiencies.
  3. Encourage strategic load growth of at least 1% per year.
  4. Reduce distribution losses to 6%.
  5. Maintain uncollectibles to less than 0.4% of revenue.
  6. Convert District customer thermal energy use to Trinity River renewable.
  7. Promote and support Economic Development and new jobs in Trinity County;
  8. Support creation of street light districts.


  1. Protect and preserve the energy future for the District's customers.


  1. Continue to maintain maximum right-of-ways for protection of District power lines while advocating at the Federal and State level for enhanced forest management practices along the District's rights-of-way.
  2. Reduce District liability exposure for safety and environmental issues, including wildfire mitigation.
  3. Protect and improve the District's position in Federal and State Regulations.
    1. Federal:
      • Maintain and protect First Preference Rights
      • Support alternative Control Areas and oppose mandatory Regional Transmission Organization's (RTO)
      • Defend against Power Marketing Administration (PMA) transfers or sales at "market rates"
      • Defend the continuation of the Balancing Authority of Northern California (BANC)
      • Defend against Deregulation legislation or regulations that increase costs
      • Support a return to cost based services and obligation to serve
    2. State:
      • Defend against attempts to mandate that the District replace its clean renewable hydroelectric power with any other form of power
      • Defend against attempts to transfer control of the District from our local Board to the State, particularly when such action diminishes the value of our First Preference Rights
      • Develop a standard "Trinity Exemption" clause to exempt the District from State legislation that is not appropriate for the District
      • Minimize the transfer of Deregulation costs to District customers
      • Support a return to cost-based services and obligation to serve
  4. Minimize impact to District customers from changes in Trinity River water management, ensure that decision-makers and customers are aware of such impacts.


  1. Improve system reliability and efficiency.


  1. Continue assertive vegetation line clearing practices.
  2. Improve customer satisfaction.
  3. Where feasible consider providing electric service to properties within boundaries that are currently off the grid.


  1. Distribute benefits from the 1955 Trinity River Division (TRD) Act to the balance of the County.


  1. Assist in Community Choice Aggregation District formation when requested by Trinity County citizens served by PG&E.


  1. Maintain Reserves in the amount of 6-months or more of Operations and Maintenance Expenses, excluding power costs.


  1. Maintain Reserves in the amount of 6 months or more of Operations and Maintenance Expenses, excluding power costs.