Electric Water Heater Rebate
Trinity PUD is offering an incentive in the form of a rebate/credit of $200 (for a conventional electric water heater) or $250 (for a hybrid electric water heater) to a limited number of qualified District customers who purchase an energy efficient, electric water heater for their home.
Whether it's new construction or retro-fit, Trinity PUD can help you take advantage of low cost, renewable, 100% carbon-free hydro power.
With Trinity PUD's low electric rates a family could lower their water heating costs 50% or more by switching from a propane water heater to an efficient electric water heater. The cost of operating an electric water heater is substantially less than a propane unit. As an example, at an electric rate of ten cents per kilowatt hour, the cost of propane would have to be less than $1.50 per gallon in order to be competitive.
No installation rebates will be awarded without a Trinity County Building Permit and Inspection. Trinity PUD reserves the right to inspect and verify installation.
Electric Water Heater Rebate Application (PDF)
Submit Your Completed Application To
Trinity Public Utilities District
P.O. Box 1216
Weaverville, CA 96093